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Start of Academic Year Arrangements

The new school year begins for all students on Tuesday 3rd September 2024. Note that for the registration day the full uniform must be worn including the correct shoes as outlined in our uniform guidance HERE, no makeup, no false eyelashes or false nails and no jewellery as per school policy. Please also note our gate to gate policy on mobile phone use – they are not to be used on the school premises.

The details for each year group on Tuesday 3rd September 2024 are below:

Year 7 – Timing of day: 9.30 -12.30      

9.45 Assembly in the Great Hall

10.00 – 12.00 – Induction activities with tutors

12.00 – 12.15 Safeguarding presentation in Great Hall

12.15 – 12.30 Line up and dismissal


Year 8  – Timing of day: 11.00-1.00         

11.00 – 11.30 Assembly in Sports Hall

11.30 – 1.00 Induction with tutors

1.00 Dismissal


Year 9 – Timing of day: 11.00-1.00

11.00 – 12.30 Induction with tutors

12.30 – 1.00 Assembly in Sports Hall

1.00 Dismissal


Year 10 – Timing of day: 11.00-1.00

11.00 – 12.30 Induction with tutors

12.30 – 1.00 Assembly in Great Hall

1.00 Dismissal

Year 11 – Timing of day: 11.00-1.00          

11.00 – 11.30 Assembly in Great Hall

11.30 – 1.00 Induction with tutors

1.00 Dismissal


Year 12 – Timing of day: 10.00-1.00         

10.00-10.45 – Assembly in the Great Hall

11.00 -1.00 – Induction activities with tutors

1.00 Dismissal   


Year 13 – Timing of day: 11.00 – 1.00

11.00 – 12.30 – Induction activities with tutors

12.30 – 1.00 – Assembly in the VLE

1.00 Dismissal


Following the registration day, all students will attend full lessons from Wednesday 4th September 2024 following their normal timetables.