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9th December 2020

Dear parents and carers,

It has been a busy and challenging few months and it seems a long time since we welcomed students back to school in September. We have managed to achieve a huge amount both within and beyond the classroom and are looking forward to our Christmas holiday and the opportunities of the coming New Year.


Regular attendance at school is vital to help children achieve and get the best possible start in life.  Children who frequently miss school fall behind and there is a strong link between good school attendance and achieving good results.

Our school has high levels of attendance, however those students who are failing to reach these high standards are a concern to us.

In the first instance, if your child presents themselves to you as unwell then you must send them to school regardless unless, of course, they present COVID19 symptoms in which case you must follow the government guidance. At school we have a full-time medical needs coordinator, Ms Anderson. If a student continues to feel unwell, Ms Anderson can make an assessment. We will call you should there be a need for them to go home.

Children sometimes have to miss school because of illness or if they have long-term medical issues. If this is the case, parents should contact school the same day to let us know the reason why the child is not in school. Please be familiar with our school processes for reporting absence that can be found on the school website.

SIMS parent app

I would like to remind you that grades for all year groups have been shared via the SIMS Parent App. This will happen each half term and will highlight areas such as a student’s work ethic and engagement with online work. The app is downloaded for free and a full guide on how to use it can be found on our school website –

SIMS student app

In addition to the parents’ app, we have now introduced the SIMS Student App. The app allows students to monitor their progress in school more closely than ever before. It provides immediate access to attendance records, timetable, behaviour and progress reports from a smartphone, tablet or PC. Full details are available on the school website –

Year 13 exams

I would like to remind our Year 13 students that, whilst we expect them to enjoy the Christmas holiday, it is essential they also make time to study and revise as they prepare for exams in the New Year, which start on 18th January. We know that many have been applying for university places and their hard work now will help them be successful and secure the places they deserve. Students in Years 13 and 11 must also be using their time productively to prepare themselves for the demands ahead. I would like to congratulate these students on the efforts so far and remind them to remain focused on study for the final few months ahead.

University Interviews

We wish good luck to all of our students who have been taking university interviews including Oxford and Cambridge. Support and workshops on how to navigate virtual interviews have been provided. This has included a number of specialist mock interviews, coaching sessions, and tailored application support as well as a medical interview workshop for all of our medicine candidates. The Sixth Form team are very experienced in all matters relating to university applications and students requiring any support should see their tutor or the Head of Year.

Enrichment Activities

From January, our enrichment programme will resume in year group bubbles. A wide range of activities will be on offer and the full list will be published at the start of next term. There is a dedicated section of our website that is updated each term to show the clubs and activities that are running. Please encourage your child to participate.

Key Events for this Academic Year

Please check our website and social media feeds for regular updates.

Autumn Term                                   

Last day of Autumn Term              Friday 18th December

Spring Term                                                      

Staff INSET day                                  Monday 4th January 2021 (no students)

Virtual Academic Review Day      Tuesday 5th January 2021 (no students on site) – letter with details to follow.

Return to school for students     Wednesday 6th January 2021

Spring Half Term Holiday               Monday 15th February – Friday 19th February 2021

Last day of Spring Term                 Friday 26th March 2021

End of term 1 arrangements + start of the term 2  

School will close for the Christmas break on Friday 18th December. Arrangements are as follows:

Periods 1 and 2:                 Lessons

11.00am:                             Students return to their form room for tutorial time

11.15am:                              From 11.15am onwards the students will be dismissed by their Head of Year

It is anticipated that all students will have left the school premises by 11.45am. Full uniform must be worn as normal.

Students eligible for free school meals are able to order a packed lunch form their form tutor by Monday 14th December. These will be distributed to students during form time at 11.00am on Friday 18th December.

Please note that Monday 4th January is a staff training day and that Tuesday 5th January is our Virtual Academic Review Day. Lessons resume for students on Wednesday 6th January 2021 and this will be a school week 2.

I look forward to seeing all students back refreshed in school in January ready for the term ahead. I hope that you have a very peaceful and restful Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Yours sincerely,


Paul Woods
