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End of term 1 arrangements + start of the term 2  

School will close for the Christmas break on Friday 18th December. Arrangements are as follows:

Periods 1 and 2:                 Lessons

11.00am:                             Students return to their form room for tutorial time

11.15am:                              From 11.15am onwards the students will be dismissed by their Head of Year

It is anticipated that all students will have left the school premises by 11.45am. Full uniform must be worn as normal.

Students eligible for free school meals are able to order a packed lunch form their form tutor by Monday 14th December. These will be distributed to students during form time at 11.00am on Friday 18th December.

Please note that Monday 4th January is a staff training day and that Tuesday 5th January is our Virtual Academic Review Day. Lessons resume for students on Wednesday 6th January 2021 and this will be a school week 2.