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(All information correct as of 4.1.21 1pm)

4th January 2021

Dear parents and carers,

Re: our approach to the staggered return to school

I hope that this letter finds you and your family well and that despite the restrictions in place and a number of our students, staff and families self-isolating or testing positive for the virus, you were able to enjoy the Christmas break.

The Secretary of State for Education announced to both schools and the general public last week a number of changes for the new term as a result of a high infection rate among secondary age students and in response to increased rates of transmission nationally. Tower Hamlets was announced as one of the Covid-19 contingency areas of the UK and as a consequence the government has implemented a staggered return for students at the start of term (see link).

On the week commencing 4th January:

On the week commencing 11th January:

On the week commencing 18th January:

Please note that the current contingency areas will be reviewed by the government on Monday 18th January and as a result details may change. We will keep you fully informed whenever we have any government updates.

The staggered return to school is to give us time to establish a COVID-19 testing system within the school. Here is what we know so far about the rapid testing programme recently announced by the government:

As soon as the government publishes more information on the testing programme, we will let you know by via the school website.

Thank you so much for your continued support as we respond to this evolving situation and we look forward to welcoming your child back to school in line with the dates above.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Woods



A reminder of the definitions of ‘critical workers’ and ‘vulnerable pupils’

Critical workers are those who work in:

Vulnerable pupils are those who:

If you are not sure if you or your child fall under these definitions, please contact the school on

Vulnerable pupils and the children of critical workers who wish to attend school should arrive in full school uniform at 8.40am on Wednesday 6th January through the main school entrance. They will follow the same curriculum and timetable as usual, as will students learning from home.