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Friday 21st January 2022

Dear Parents/Carers,

Re: February / March 2022 Mock Examination timetable – Year 11

The timetable for the Year 11 Mock examinations in February / March 2022 is on the reverse of this letter.  Please note down the relevant dates and times and ensure that your child is properly prepared for each examination.

These mocks are organised and run the same way that public examinations are so strict examination rules apply.

Although the current government policy is for public examinations to take place at the end of the academic year, it is crucial that parents and students understand the importance of preparation for internal mock examinations. The results will form a substantial component of the evidence should teacher assessed grades be issued this year.

Students must bring at least two black pens (one spare) for all examinations and any other necessary equipment, such as a calculator and pencil. Under no circumstances must you take a mobile phone or any digital devices with you in the examination room. Due to the increasing use of smartwatches, watches of any design are also forbidden from the examination hall.

Bottles of water (labels must be removed) may be taken into the exam hall.

For all examinations, please meet in the Gallery beforehand. 

For AM exams please meet in the Gallery at 8.40am. Please enter through your normal entrance, walk along the Stepney Way path, and enter the Gallery via the stairs on Stepney Way. We anticipate morning exams to finish by 11:00.  For PM exams, we will meet in the Gallery at 13.40pm via the same route. We anticipate afternoon exams to finish by 15:45 at the latest. Students will be in lessons as normal when there is not an exam scheduled.

A polite reminder that facemasks are mandatory in communal areas. We ask that all students enter the Gallery and all Exam rooms wearing a facemask. During your exams you have the option to remove your mask. Once the exam is over, we expect students to wear a mask when leaving the Exam room and Gallery.

Departments will provide pupils with any details of extension classes during the examination period.

I wish you the very best of luck with all of your examinations.

Yours sincerely,

Mr B Siaw

Senior Deputy HeadTeacher






AM (08:40)


PM (13:45)


Wed 9 Feb




Languages (Reading & Writing)

Reading – F: 45m – H: 1hr

Writing – F: 1hr – H: 1hr 15m



R.E 1

Islam/Christianity – 1h


Thu 10 Feb



English Language

Explorations in Creative R+W – 1hr 45m



Geography / History 1

History: Crime & Punishment – 1h 15m

Geog: Global Geog. Issues – 1h 30m



Fri 11 Feb


ACADEMIC REVIEW DAY (No scheduled exams)






Mon 21 Feb



Maths 1

Non-Calculator – 1h 30m


English Literature

Unseen Poetry And An Inspector Calls

1hr 30m



Tue 22 Feb



Option 1 – Paper 1

Psychology: 1hr 20m

Music: 1h 30m (Listening)



Science 1

Separate (Bio) – 1h 30m

Combined (Bio) – 1h



Wed 23 Feb



Sociology 1

Understanding Social Processes: 1h 45m



Media 1

Media: 1h 30m


Thu 24 Feb




Science 2

Separate (Chem) – 1h 30m

Combined (Chem) – 1h



Geography / History 2

History: Elizabethan Age – 1h

Geog: UK Geog. Issues – 1h



Fri 25 Feb



Option 2 – Paper 1

Computer Science (Comp Systems) : 1h 30m

GCSE P.E: 1h 15m

Drama: 1h 45m



Maths 2

Calculator – 1h 30m



Mon 28 Feb


Geography / History 3

History: Germany – 1h

Geog: People & Environment – 1h 30m



Science 3

Separate (Phys) – 1h 30m

Combined (Phys) – 1h


Tues 1 March



R.E 2

Philosophical Issues – 1h



Media 2

Media: 1h 30m



Wed 2 March



Maths 3

Calculator – 1h 30m


Option 1 – Paper 2

Psychology: 1hr



Thu 3 March



Option 2 – Paper 2

Computer Science (Algorithms): 1h 30m

GCSE P.E: 1h 15m


Sociology 2

Understanding Social Structures: 45m



Fri 4 March




Art & Design / Design & Technology

Full day

 Students studying BTEC Business, CAMNAT HSC, and CAMNAT Sports Science will not have any examinations due to the nature of the course.