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15th December 2021

Dear parents and carers,

It has been a busy and challenging few months and it seems a long time since we welcomed students back to school in September. We have managed to achieve a huge amount both within and beyond the classroom and are looking forward to our Christmas holiday and the opportunities of the coming New Year.

Covid-19 Update

You will be aware from recent news coverage that on Saturday 27th November, the Prime Minister announced new temporary measures following the emergence of the Omicron variant of Covid-19 in the UK. The new measures have been introduced as a precaution to slow down the spread of the variant.

As a result, from Monday 29th November face coverings were implemented in schools across the UK in communal areas for staff, visitors and students, unless they are exempt, upon which the school’s Medical Coordinator should be informed.

A reminder was also issued to all students to complete lateral flow device (LFD) testing at least twice a week. LFD tests can be collected from form tutors as required, and we will be distributing test kits to students during registration periods so that they can continue to test over the Christmas holiday.

Upon return to school in January, we will be conducting lateral flow device testing for all students on-site. If you do not wish for your child to participate in LFD testing is school, please complete the following form by Friday 17th December 2021 –

Return to School Arrangements

You will be aware that we will be conducting a lateral flow test for students prior to their return to timetable in January. In order to implement this, students will have a staggered return to school from the 4th January. A letter with further information for each form group will be sent shortly. Please ensure that your child returns to school on their allocated day and at the correct time.

Free School Meals

Tower Hamlets council will be providing a free school meal voucher for those students eligible for free school meals to cover the Christmas period.

This will be a £20.00 Asda e-voucher sent to the parental email address that we currently have on our school system. If your child is eligible for free school meals, you can expect to receive your voucher by Monday 20th December.

Year 11 Parents’ Evening

The Year 11 virtual parents’ evening will be taking place on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th December. Further information can be found on our school website,

Reverse Advent Calendar

This is the final week of our reverse advent calendar in aid of the St Dunstan’s Food Bank, which is supporting over 200 families. Donations for the food bank are gratefully received and we would like to thank everyone for their generous contributions so far.  Full details of the food bank can be found on the following link –

Year 13 exams

I would like to remind our Year 13 students that, whilst we expect them to enjoy the Christmas holiday, it is essential they also make time to study and revise as they prepare for exams in the New Year, which start on 5h January. We know that many have been applying for university places and their hard work now will help them be successful and secure the places they deserve. Students in Years 13 and 11 must also be using their time productively to prepare themselves for the demands ahead. I would like to congratulate these students on the efforts so far and remind them to remain focused on study for the final few months ahead.


You will have received communication from us earlier this month regarding the issue of vaping amongst young people. We have become aware of certain types of vapes that are being marketed towards children due to their bright colours and flavours such as bubble gum and strawberry. E-cigarettes do contain nicotine, which is an addictive and harmful substance, and their sale to anyone under the age of 18 is illegal. Please note that these vapes can look at first glance like a highlighter pen and could go unnoticed.

Any student caught in possession of a vape/e-cigarette will be dealt with according to our school behaviour policy.

VLE Homework Club

Our VLE Homework Club is open for all students to attend during term time. The VLE is open from Monday to Friday, from 7.30 until 8.30am for independent study.

CIEAG – Parent Feedback

We would like to increase the involvement and engagement of parents/carers in the process of educating all of our students about the pre and post 16 opportunities available to them.

We would appreciate if you would take a few minutes to complete our online feedback form, so that we can continue to improve our CIEAG provision within the school –​.

If you have any further questions about the CIEAG provision we provide, please visit

End of Autumn Term Arrangements 

School will close for the Christmas break on Tuesday 21st December. Arrangements for the 21st are as follows:

Periods 1 and 2:          Lessons

11.00am:                     Students return to their form room for tutorial time

11.15am:                     From 11.15am onwards the students will be dismissed by their Head of Year

It is anticipated that all students will have left the school premises by 11.45am. Full uniform must be worn as normal.

Students eligible for free school meals are able to order a packed lunch form their form tutor by Friday 17th December. These will be distributed to students during form time at 11.00am on Tuesday 21st December.

I look forward to seeing all students back refreshed in school in January ready for the term ahead. I hope that you have a very peaceful and restful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Yours sincerely,


Paul Woods
