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25th January 2023

Dear parents and carers,

Mock Examinations Year 11
The next set of Year 11 mock examinations will soon be underway. These will take place between 6th and 24th February 2023. The exam timetable has been shared with students and is available on the school website HERE. If you have a child in Year 11 please do prompt them to plan a revision timetable and get revising- it is never too early!

Children’s Mental Health Week
Children’s Mental Health Week takes place from 6th – 10th February. It is widely recognised that young people have faced significant challenges over the past couple of years and this has taken a toll for many on their mental health.

At Stepney All Saints we support all of our students through a variety of ways. We have school counsellors and assist families with referrals to other agencies. In readiness for Children’s Mental Health Week, groups and charities have pulled together a range of activities, resources and information to provide support and to raise awareness of the challenges our young people face. Please see below the link to some of these resources.

If your child is struggling with their mental health in any way, please do let us know so we can support in whatever way we are able.

Parent Survey
In advance of the Academic Review Day on Friday 10th February, we will be sending out a link to an online survey. Your views and opinions are important and provide valuable feedback. Once we have received your responses we will update you on the results and any resulting action.

Positively influencing
Students spend a great deal of time online for both study and leisure. Impressionable young people can be influenced by what they see and algorithms on popular social media sites such as TikTok can drive users towards progressively more extreme content over time. We are also aware that publicity is the oxygen upon which such material thrives. Nevertheless, we would like to share an article with you. This is something that a number of schools have shared as a measured and helpful resource for parents and carers. CLICK HERE

Enrichment activities
I would again like to share a reminder that all students in Years 7, 8 and 9 take part in enrichment activities at Stepney All Saints. We are monitoring attendance and tutors will report back on attendance at Academic Review Day. An updated list of afterschool and lunchtime clubs is available to view HERE.

Change in School Day
You will have received a letter from me regarding our school’s curriculum review. This has resulted in us making changes to the school day which will take effect from the new school year in September 2023. A copy of this letter can be found here –

Key Dates and Events
This is also a busy time with a number of dates in diary for the coming weeks as follows:

The full set of term dates for the academic year are available on our website,

To remain up-to-date on what is happening in school, click HERE for our latest news articles and follow us on Facebook and Twitter @StepneyAS for a wealth of content from students and staff.

Thank you for your continued support and please get in touch if there is any aspect of our provision that you would like to discuss.

Yours sincerely,
Paul Woods, Headteacher

Headteacher Letter 25.01.23