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2nd October 2020

Dear families

I am writing to you after yet another busy week. I would like to congratulate our students for their continued maturity in commitment to their learning in these difficult times. Attendance has been superb since we have returned and your support has been appreciated.

The purpose of this letter is to remind you again about the procedures which should be followed if I feel I must close another year bubble. Such a decision is a serious one and I urge you to ensure your children, if affected, follow guidelines. I must make it very clear that failure to follow these guidelines could lead to disciplinary action against culpable students.

In the event of a year bubble closing:

Parents who do not have children in the year bubble that is closed will receive a letter informing them of the closure of a year bubble. Their children will not need to self-isolate and must continue to come to school. If their brother or sister is in the affected year group, they must continue to come to school unless they become symptomatic themselves or any of their siblings become symptomatic.

It is important to reiterate that, if we have a positive case of Covid-19, the school may collapse a bubble and send students home to self-isolate and continue their learning online.  Students must adhere to government guidelines of self-isolation.  Failure to follow these guidelines, especially during the hours of the school day, will constitute a serious health and safety risk and bring the name of the school into disrepute.  This could lead to a fixed term or permanent exclusion.

Stepney All Saints Social Media

I would again like to take this opportunity to encourage you all to follow the Stepney All Saints social media accounts, which provide regular updates and useful information. These can been found @StepneyAS on Twitter and Facebook.

Thank you as always for your support. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us via email on .

Yours sincerely,

Paul Woods


You can download the letter here – Headteacher letter 28.9.20