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March 2021

Year 7 update

Dear Parents/Carers,

As we welcome year 7 back into school after the recent period of online learning, I wanted to take this opportunity to share some updates and reminders with you. We are proud of how year 7 met the challenge of online learning and live lessons and we are extremely pleased to have them back in school.

Attendance and punctuality

Good attendance is firmly linked with academic success and it is expected that pupils maintain a high level of attendance. This is particularly important for Year 7 students as they begin their Key Stage 3 education. The school day starts at 8.40am and as such, students are expected to be in the West playground lining up with their form from 08.30 onwards.


Year 7 laptops have now been given out and thus form an essential part of daily equipment for school. These are set up with school systems and will be used in the classroom alongside traditional teaching methods to ensure all students can benefit from a variety of learning opportunities. Please support your child in ensuring their device is fully charged for each school day. The importance of having a secure and suitable school bag has been reiterated to students and you may find it helpful to assist them in packing their school bag during this transition period so they are only carrying what is required for each day.


We now have blazers with the new school logo available to purchase and these form a compulsory part of the school uniform. If you are yet to order a blazer please do so on your ParentPay account, noting the size needed, and this will be given to students in school. Our admin team are currently working through orders already received and all these should be completed in the next few days. Please also be reminded that when not in PE kit students must wear school schools and not trainers. In the event of students wearing trainers, parents will be contacted to bring shoes or students sent home to change.


Over the coming days and weeks we will be recommencing our enrichment programme at Stepney All Saints. The importance of activities beyond academic work must not be underestimated. Extracurricular activities complement our students’ studies to develop as well-rounded individuals.

Activities for year 7 will take place within their bubble and zone. Please encourage students to participate at home.

Homework Club

The year 7 homework club will continue with some changes now that students have their own devices to access online learning and materials. Students are invited to join homework club every Tuesday and Thursday in room 206 from 2.50-3.50pm. Students can work on devices or in books and there will be a member of staff present to support them.

SIMS Parent View App

Parents are encouraged to make full use of the SIMS Parent View App. This allows parents to view attendance data, rewards, behaviour, detentions, homework reminders, school reports and information about extra-curricular activities easily via a smart phone, tablet or PC. Further information about this service can be found on the school website.


Finally, I would like to thank you for your ongoing support at home. Please continue to check our website and social media feeds @StepneyAS for year group updates and further information regarding uniform, extra-curricular activities, ParentPay and Parent SIMS.


Yours faithfully,

Samantha White

Head of Year 7