Stepney All Saints School

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Headteacher's Letter 25.11.24

Dear families,

I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. We have had a wonderful start to the year with high attendance and students dedicated to their learning. Recently, we reviewed the data from Century Tech, which indicates that students are completing their homework and engaging in pre-learning, with many taking the initiative to tackle additional nuggets for revision. I appreciate your continued support for our students.

Library Update

We have made significant investments in our library space, which will soon feature a staircase to create two distinct areas: a lending library and a reference library. This development is part of our commitment to nurturing a love for reading and learning among our students.

Additionally, we are making significant investments in our lighting and sound systems within the performing arts spaces. This commitment showcases our dedication to offering our students the finest and most modern facilities. This is crucial, as it grants our students access to one of Britain’s fastest-growing industries. We must equip them with the right tools to ensure their success.


We would like to remind you that a reading book is an essential part of every student’s daily equipment. Reading for at least 20 minutes each day is an expectation for all year groups. Research consistently shows that regular reading not only enhances vocabulary and broadens understanding of the world but also significantly improves academic performance.

Your support in encouraging your child to read daily would be greatly appreciated. Reading together can be a wonderful opportunity to share in their reading journey, providing both enjoyment and encouragement.

For our KS3 students, we have implemented the Accelerated Reader program to monitor progress and promote a love of reading. Please ask your child to log in and show you their progress—this can be a great way to celebrate their achievements and motivate further success.

Thank you for your continued support in fostering a love of reading in our students.

Breakfast Food Appeal – Reverse Advent

Advent is a season observed in most Christian denominations as a time of waiting and preparation for the Nativity of Christ at Christmas. Advent begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas and this year it will be observed from 1st to 24th December. To mark this period, it is a tradition to have an advent calendar on which a door is opened each day revealing a chocolate or another gift item. In our reverse advent rather than receive gifts we wish to donate items to our local food bank. Therefore, to support families and individuals who may be struggling during this winter period we are asking where possible for donations of non-perishable food items to be brought into school. Our appeal is focusing on breakfast items such as cereal, long life milk, jams, porridge, etc. Full details will be shared with students in the coming days. The collection point is the main reception.


We have a duty of care to challenge poor attendance. Any absence from school is detrimental to a child’s learning – teaching is missed and achievement affected. The national overall absence rate of students not achieving Grade 9 to 4 at GCSE is over twice as high as those achieving Grade 9 to 5. Consequently, attendance is key to your child’s academic success.

It is important to note that The Department for Education only allows an absence/holiday in term time in “special circumstances”. Few requests fall into this category, the majority are refused, and fines can be imposed for taking time off without the school’s permission.

If a family needs to make a leave of absence request, this must be done in writing to the headteacher. Parents will be invited into school for a meeting to discuss the application following which a decision will be made.

I would like to add that if a family’s request for term time absence is refused and a family nevertheless chooses to take their child out of school despite the refusal, a further meeting will be held with the headteacher to discuss the matter. Of course, no one wants this to happen, but we need to be very clear about the issue as the law does not grant parents an automatic right to take their child out of school during term time.

I hope you understand the reasons for these rules, and you will support our efforts to ensure the highest standards of attendance and attainment.

Parents’ Surgery

We have introduced a Parents’ Surgery which provides an opportunity to come in to discuss any concerns, ask questions, or seek advice regarding your child’s education or well-being. Appointments can be booked at the following times:

  • Mondays from 9 am – 9.55 am 
  • Tuesdays from 14.35 pm – 15.30 pm 
  • Thursdays from 9.00 am to 9.55 am

The slots can be booked via Karen Dalton, Headteacher’s PA or by calling reception on 0207 790 6712.

Key Events for this Academic Year

Key dates are as follows:

  • Year 11 Parents’ Evening: Wednesday 11th + Thursday 12th December (online)
  • Year 9 Parents’ Evening: Thursday 19th December
  • End of term: Friday 20th Early finish at 11.30am.

The full set of term dates for the academic year are available on our website HERE .


I would finally like to remind you that the school newsletter is published every month. Please do take a moment to read our latest edition which highlights the fantastic work and achievements from this term so far – click HERE.

I will write again in the coming weeks. In the meantime, please check our website and social media feeds @StepneyAS for updates on what is taking place at our school.

Warm regards,

Ben Siaw