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This page contains guides and links for parents/carers in supporting their young people with their mental and emotional mental health and well-being.

Into Film Moving Minds at Stepney All Saints School on vimeo

Click on the links below to be directed to the relevant well-being guides.

> Building Resilience

> Mental Health – Make it count

Helping your young person with exam stress

Click HERE to download a leaflet from the school counsellor re. supporting your child with exam stress.

Further support can be found HERE

NHS approved list of Apps for mental health support

These Apps are digital tools that have been assessed by the NHS and meet the NHS quality standards. This means they are safe to use and might help you if you are finding things difficult to cope with at the moment.

Apps suitable for all ages

App Cost Target area Suitability for YP
Beat Panic £0.99 Designed to guide you through a panic attack or raised anxiety.

The app uses a series of soothing coloured flashcards with messages designed to help you overcome a panic attack in a calm, gentle manner.

Suitable for anyone who experiences panic attacks
Calm Harm



Free Designed to help people resist or manage the urge to self-harm.

Encourages people to distract themselves from urges to self-harm and help manage their emotions in a more positive way.

Suitable for all ages
Catch It Free How to manage feelings like anxiety and depression.

Helps change the way people think and feel about things

Use the app to record your mood in three simple steps:

•‘Catch It’ records and rates your mood.

•‘Check It’ asks you to take a moment to reflect on what you’re thinking.

•‘Change It’ asks you to think about a better way of dealing with a problem.

Suitable for all ages
Chill Panda


Free Chill Panda uses the camera on a smartphone or other mobile device to capture your heart rate.

Chill Panda asks you to rate your mood to work out your current emotional state.

You are then encouraged to take part in a variety of playful tasks and activities, including breathing and light exercise.

Chill Panda is for children and adults
Cove Free Cove is like a mood journal, except instead of using words to express how you feel, you use music.


To create music, choose from six different moods – calm, struggling, longing, playful, clouded and gentle.

Suitable for anyone
Stress & Anxiety Companion Free with in-app purchases Managing stress and anxiety at home or on the go with breathing exercises, relaxing music and games.

Helps to identify your anxiety and stress triggers

People with mild – moderate anxiety or stress
Thrive: Feel Stress Free To unlock all functions requires a subscription £5.99 / month Uses game to track your mood and teach you methods to take control of stress and anxiety.

Learn relaxation techniques like meditation and deep-breathing

Lets you track your mood, emotions and situation you were in at the time.

Reminds you of how you reacted on a previous occasion to make you feel better.

Suitable for any age
MyCognition Home Free with in-app purchases You start off by doing a 15-minute test called MyCQ, which assesses: planning, decision-making, memory, concentration, and speed and accuracy.

Your MyCQ score is used to create a personalised training programme to help improve your performance in some of these areas.

You’re encouraged to spend 90 minutes a week – that’s 15 minutes a day – using the app’s brain training games.

Aims to help people think faster, focus better and improve decision making and memory.

Suitable for children and adults
MeeTwo Free Safe and secure forum for teenagers wanting to discuss any issue affecting their lives.

Anonymously discuss with experts or other teenagers going through similar experiences.

Aims to build confidence, increase wellbeing and improve emotional resilience

Post and replies are moderated and therefore only positive feedback is published







Tower Hamlets Education Wellbeing Service (THEWS)

A webinar delivered by THEWS on  Mental Health Awareness and Supporting Your Child’s Emotional Wellbeing . Click HERE to view. 


Dealing with Loss and Bereavement Support

Building resilience in children and teens

This useful website provides tips and guidance about how to build resilience and help your child – 

Nip in the Bud

Nip in the Bud® was set up to encourage awareness about mental health disorders in young children. These relatively common problems which begin in childhood and adolescence can have wide-ranging and long-lasting effects, affecting a child’s relationships, their educational attainment and job opportunities.