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Headteacher’s letter 4.3.24

4th March 2024 Dear families, We are at the halfway point of the school year. For our Year 11 and 13 students this means the start date for their examinations can now be counted in weeks and the need to be focused and working hard is never more important. After school tuition takes place every […]

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Safer Streets – Parking outside school

20th February 2024 Dear families, I am writing with regard to the health and safety of students at Stepney All Saints and our concerns regarding traffic at the start and end of our school day, in particular cars that park on the yellow zigzag “school keep clear” markings. These marking are to prevent vehicles stopping […]

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Letter from the Headteacher 31.1.24

31st January 2024 Dear families, You will be aware that the 4th floor of the school building remains temporarily out of use and that we have been working at pace to procure temporary classroom through the Department for Education (DfE). Some of you will have seen the building being assembled. Now the process of fitting out the […]

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Letter from the Headteacher

17th January 2024 Dear parents and carers, As this is my first letter of the New Year, I would like to begin by extending my warming wishes to all for a safe, happy, and successful 2024. The coming months promise much for Stepney All Saints students and as we throw ourselves back into school life […]

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Letter from the headteacher

13th December 2023 Dear families, We now find ourselves in the season of Advent and moving closer to the Christmas period. This is a time for bringing hope, change and fulfilment into the Advent of our lives. As we prepare for the end of term and for the New Year, I am writing to you with several […]

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Letter from the headteacher

1st December 2023 Dear families, As we now find ourselves in the months of winter and colder weather, I would like to offer my continued thanks for your support in ensuring such high levels of student attendance, smartly worn school uniform and completion of homework tasks at Stepney All Saints. Reading This half term we […]

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Letter from the headteacher

14th November 2023 Dear families, I would like to offer my continued thanks for your support over the past months. We have all students in the building for face to face teaching and with over 12,600 achievement points awarded last half term, the hard work and effort demonstrated by our students has been outstanding. This […]

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Admissions consultation (2025-26)

In line with statutory regulations around school admissions, in a fixed period we are required to consult all stakeholders on the way in which young people gain a place at Stepney All Saints School. For entry in the academic year 2025-26 our admissions policy can be found HERE.

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Headteacher’s letter

19th October 2023 Dear families, It has been an incredibly busy half term. Students have settled into their timetables and there is an industrious atmosphere round school. The second half of this term is a key period for our Year 11 in particular who will be taking mock examinations and it is essential that students […]

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Headteacher’s Letter – 4th October 2023

4th October 2023 Dear families, I am writing with further updates about our school as we welcome back more students to the site and combine online and face to face teaching for some year groups. You will be aware that Year 8 and Year 9 have returned to the site on a weekly rota basis […]

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