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26th January 2022

Dear parents and carers,

Covid-19 Update

Many thanks to everyone in the school community for coping with recent COVID19 measures.   It is no longer mandatory for students or staff to wear these during lessons, although the requirement remains for their use in corridors and communal areas until the 27th January 2022.   We have been made aware that guidance could change again, and if cases were to rise significantly at our school, we may also be advised to introduce our own local measures. However, the situation is relatively stable at the moment, and we will look forward to the further easing of restrictions, but with the knowledge that it is fairly impossible to predict what may happen next.


We are a school which prides itself on fantastic attendance and we are in fact the joint top school in Tower Hamlets for attendance. National data consistently shows that almost eight out of ten students who have 100% attendance gain five or more good passes at GCSE. When attendance drops to 90%, only five out of ten students achieve this. This is why we place such importance on all students aiming for 100%. The link between attendance and achievement is clear.

I would like to remind parents that in the first instance, if your child presents themselves to you as ‘unwell’ then please send them to school regardless. At school our medical needs coordinator can assess them if they continue to feel unwell. We will call you should there be a need for your child to go home.

Children sometimes have to miss school because of illness or if they have long-term medical issues. If this is the case, you should contact school the same day to let us know the reason why your child is not in school. Please be familiar with our school processes for reporting absence that are available on the school website.

Mobile Phones in School

A reminder that the use of mobile phones in school is against the school’s behaviour policy. Students should not be using their mobile phones in school; in particular they should not be using their mobile phone to call home if they are feeling unwell. The school will call home or will allow students to call home from the school phones should the need arise.

PE Kit

Following on from a letter sent in November 2021, we anticipate the completion of the school swimming pool and changing rooms by Easter. After the Easter break students will still be able to arrive to school in their PE kit on the days that they have PE, providing it is the school branded PE kit only (school branded tracksuit and PE T-Shirt) and black sports trainers. Alternatively the changing rooms will be accessible to students who wish to change in school.

We have also been advised that there will be a 6% increase in the cost of uniform items from suppliers, which will be implemented to the school from February. We however will only be reflecting this increase on ParentPay from July.

Enrichment Activities – Spring term

Our enrichment programme is updated each half term and a wide range of activities is on offer. There is a dedicated section of our website listing the clubs and activities that are running. Please encourage your child to participate.

Academic Review Day

Last week I wrote to you regarding Academic Review Day on Friday 11th February 2022 where we discuss progress of your child and share the most recent data about how your child is learning and working. All details can be found on the school website, but I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that students will not be in school on this day and will be provided with work to complete at home.

Key Events

The term dates for the coming half term are listed below. Please check our website and social media feeds for regular updates.

Spring Term: 4th January – 1st April

Year 11 mock examinations – beginning Wednesday 9th February (Full timetable on the school website)

Academic Review Day – Friday 11th February

Year 9 Parents’ Evening – Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th February

Half Term: 14th – 18th February

Year 8 examinations – Week beginning 7th March

Year 7 examinations – Week beginning 21st March

Easter Holiday: 4th April – 18th April

Year 9 Parents’ Evening

The Year 9 virtual parents’ evening will be taking place on Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th. Full information has been sent to parents and shared on our school website.

As always, thank you for your continued support. Please do get in touch if there is any aspect of our provision that you would like to discuss.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Woods


DOWNLOAD: Headteacher letter 26.1.22