Key Stage 3 (Year 7-9)
Year 7
1. Developing geographical skills by exploring fantastic places
- World and UK knowledge
- Cartographic skills
- Graphical skills
- Mathematical skills
2. Global and Regional Urbanisation
- Settlement characteristics
- Rates of urbanisation
- Local Case Study: London
- Global Case study: Rio de Janeiro
3. Weather and Climate
- Local and global climate patterns
- UK Climate
- Pakistan Climate
- Fieldwork Enquiry: Microclimates at SASS
4. Migration and Borders
- Human borders
- Natural borders
- Challenges of migration
Year 8
1. World Biomes
- Characteristics of world biomes
- Tropical Rainforest
- Hot Deserts
- Decision making exercise: Sustainable management of biomes
2. Emerging Superpower - China
- Population
- Development
- Industrialisation
- Impacts of rapid development
3. Tectonic Hazards
- Plate tectonics
- Earthquakes (theory, case study, management)
- Volcanoes (theory, case study, management)
- Tsunamis (theory, case study, management)
4. Coastal Landscapes
- Coastal processes and landforms
- Coastal flooding
- Coastal management
- Virtual Fieldwork
Year 9
1. Climate Change
- Human and natural evidence and causes
- Local, regional and global impacts
- Adaptation and mitigation strategies to manage climate change
2. River Landscapes
- River processes and landforms
- River flooding
- River management
3. Exploring Africa
- Uneven development
- Urbanisation
- Industrialisation
- Climatic hazards
- Challenging misconceptions
4. GCSE Unit: Challenges of an Urbanising World (Paper 1)
Key Stage 4 (Year 10-11)
Specification found here:
Year 10
- Hazardous Earth (Paper 1)
- UK’s Evolving Human Landscape (Paper 2)
- Geographical Investigations - Urban Fieldwork (Paper 2)
- Consuming Energy Resources (Paper 3)
- Coastal Landscapes (Paper 2)
Year 11
- Geographical Investigations - Coastal Fieldwork (Paper 2)
- Development Dynamics (Paper 1)
- River Landscapes (Paper 2)
- People and the Biosphere (Paper 3)
- Forests Under Threat (Paper 3)
Key Stage 5 (Year 12-13)
Specification found here:
Year 12
Paper 1:
- Tectonic Processes and Hazards
- Coastal Landscapes and Change
Paper 2:
- Globalisation
- Shaping Places: Regenerating Places
Non-examined assessment (Coursework)
- Introduction to fieldwork investigation process
- Focus on Purpose, Methodology and Data Collection
Year 13
Paper 1:
- The Water Cycle and Water Insecurity
- The Carbon Cycle and Energy Insecurity
Paper 2:
- Superpowers
- Migration, Identity and Sovereignty
Paper 3 - Synoptic themes and skills
Non-examined assessment (Coursework)
- Independent Investigation write up
- Focus on data representation and analysis, conclusions and analysis
Independent Learning Resources
GCSE Revision - PMT and Study Rocket
A Level Revision - PMT and Weebly
Explainer Videos - Time for Geography
Careers Advice