Stepney All Saints School

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Headteacher's Letter 23.01.25

23rd January 2025

Dear families,

As this is my first letter of the New Year, I would like to begin by extending my warming wishes to all for a safe, happy, and successful 2025. The coming months promise much for Stepney All Saints students and as we throw ourselves back into school life and embrace our vision: “We will achieve excellence and inspire generations the All Saints Way”, we can expect excellent progress and great achievements. We have a busy half term ahead of us and a number of key events in our school calendar fast approaching.

Parental contact details:

A reminder to all parents/carers to ensure that you continue to update the school every time that there is a change to your contact details. This includes home address, email address and contact numbers. Please email with your child’s full name and form group and your name, relationship to the child and updated contact details.

Breakfast - Reminder
With thanks to The Portal Trust, we offer all students at Stepney All Saints School a free breakfast pack, which will consist of a hot chocolate and one breakfast item from the breakfast pack menu (toast, cereal bar, fruit or yoghurt). Breakfast packs can be collected from the Sixth Form Café every Monday - Friday between 8.00-8.30am.

Cost of Living

Tower Hamlets have provided support for families regarding cost-of-living support in our area. For information, please following the links posted below:

  • Directory of warm spaces – CLICK HERE
  • Directory of food banks and meals for those in need Food banks and meals – CLICK HERE

Enrichment activities

A reminder that all students in Years 7, 8 and 9 take part in enrichment activities at Stepney All Saints. We want our students to excel in all aspects of their school life and attendance at enrichment activities is a key element.  We are monitoring attendance and this will be reflected in students’ reports at Academic Review Day in March. Well done to those students who received awards at the end of term for their outstanding contribution to enrichment. An updated list of afterschool and lunchtime clubs is available to view HERE.

Turing Scheme

The Turing Scheme is a UK government program that funds international education and work opportunities for students. Our bid for funding was successful and this year we have two exciting trips planned: Year 12 students will explore the rich history and culture of Athens, Greece, and students from Years 9 and 10 will embark on an amazing journey to Dhaka, Bangladesh, where they will engage with local communities and broaden their global perspectives. We will keep you updated via our social media about this trips and other opportunities as they arise. 

Key Dates and Events

This is also a busy time with a number of dates in diary for the coming weeks as follows:

  • Year 9 Option Evening (online) – Tuesday 4th February.
  • Half term – Monday 17th – Friday 21st February
  • Academic Review Day: Friday 14th March

The full set of term dates for the academic year are available on our website – click HERE.

To remain up-to-date on what is happening in school, click HERE for our latest news articles and follow us on Facebook, X and Instagram @StepneyAS for a wealth of content from students and staff.

As always, thank you for your continued support. Please do get in touch if there is any aspect of our provision that you would like to discuss.


Warm regards,

Ben Siaw