Stepney All Saints School

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Our Governors

The Governing Body of Stepney All Saints Church of England Secondary School is fully committed to ensuring that the school provides the best possible education for the students in their care.  We are members of the National Governors Association (NGA) and aspire to hold their Governor Mark, an NGA approved quality standard for Governing Bodies that demonstrates sustainable excellence in school governance within the context of the school’s leadership and management structure.

School Governors provide strategic direction for the school.  They agree priorities and targets and monitor progress towards them.  In order to provide that leadership, they offer constructive support and challenge to the school leadership team and make key decisions necessary to ensuring that the school fulfils its legal duties.

Ruth Bujack
Chair of Governors


Governor’s Declaration of Interests, Structure and Memberships – 2024/25

Stepney All Saints CofE Secondary School


governors list jan 25 2.pdf





Governor’s Declaration of Interests, Structure and Memberships

Academic Year Declaration of Interests, Structure and Memberships
2019-20 click here to view
2020-21 click here to view

If you wish to see other years structures, memberships and declarations, please contact the Headteacher’s PA.

Governors Attendance Records

Academic Year Attendance Records
2023- 24 Governors Attendance 2023-2024
2022-23 Governors Attendance 2022-2023
2020-21 Governor Attendance 2020-2021 
2019-20 Governor Attendance 2019 -2020

If you wish to see other attendance records, please contact the Headteacher’s PA.

Non-Confidential Minutes from Governors Meetings

Academic Year Minutes
2023 - 24














2021 -22 SASS_NonConfMins_FGB_240322 v2_SIGNED






SASS_PC_NonConfMins_150322 CA_SIGNED

SASS_PC_NonConfMins070622 CA_SIGNED

SASS FP NonConfMins 161121 CA_SIGNED

SASS FP NonConfMins 080322 CA_SIGNED

SASS FP NonConfMins 260522 CDv2_SIGNED

2020-21 FGB_Minutes_Non_Confidential_25th June 2020

FGB NonConfMins 8th Oct 20

FGB NonConfMins 10th Dec 20

FGB NonConfMins 25th Mar 21

FGB NonConfMins 24th June 21

F&P NonConfMins17th Nov 20

F&P MINUTES 16th June 2020 Non-Confidential

F&PNonConfMins 16th Mar 21

PC 9th June 20

PC Cmmtee 15th Sept 20

PC NonConfMins 4th May 21

PC NonConfMins 19th Jan 21

PC NonConfMins 26th June 21 PC_NonConfMins 14th Sept 21


If you wish to see other minutes, please contact the Headteacher’s PA.