Stepney All Saints School

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PSHE at Stepney All Saints School strives to develop students into becoming confident and empowered global citizens, ready for a changing world.

Through our PSHE curriculum Stepney All Saints students will gain critical thinking skills, empathy and resilience. They will understand their social responsibility and the importance of being upstanders.

The Stepney All Saints School PSHE curriculum, creates opportunities for students to develop their emotional literacy, achieve individual excellence and inspire future generations. 

The PSHE curriculum aims to support the school’s anti-racist ethos, promotes female empowerment and embodies the Stepney All Saints School values of: Forgiveness, Compassion, Inclusion, Tolerance, Respect for All.



PSHE is a part of the teaching timetable and is taught to Key Stages 3 and 4 in timetabled lessons with a designated teacher. Each student has a 55-minute lesson once a fortnight which allows for consistency and creates greater opportunity for deeper learning and understanding to occur.

In addition to timetabled lessons, elements of the PSHE curriculum are taught during Form Time and during ‘drop down days’ where the timetable is collapsed in order for students to engage with specific PSHE content for an extended period of time.

The PSHE curriculum primarily consists of lessons within three main units, Relationships, Health and Wellbeing and Living in the Wider World. These units cover a range of topics which support the holistic development of the students and their understanding of self, others and the world around them.

At Key Stage 5 students have 40 minutes of  PSHE over a two-week period. The KS5 PSHE-RE Curriculum facilitates the development of Yr12 and Yr13 students in gaining the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy, safe and prepared for life and work. The curriculum also develops their spiritual well-being and religious ethos enabling them to navigate through the modern world.



PSHE at Stepney All Saints school ensures students are able to reflect on their thoughts, feelings and values, learn about others and share perspectives in a meaningful way. This provides life-long learning which allows students to gain knowledge and insight from a range of sources. This has a positive impact on our students as it prepares them to be productive, positive and empathetic  global citizens.

“[PSHE] teaches us about the important parts of everyday life that other subjects won’t teach”- Year 10 student

“I really feel like when we chat to each other, thinking about other people’s opinions stimulates the brain much more” – Year 7 student

“ [We have the] freedom to share our opinions”- Year 8 student


Right to withdraw

Parents continue to have the right to request to withdraw their child from sex education delivered as part of RSE in secondary schools which, unless there are exceptional circumstances, should be granted up to three terms before their child turns 16. At this point, if the child themselves wishes to receive sex education rather than be withdrawn, the school should make arrangements for this to happen in one of the three terms before the child turns 16 – the legal age of sexual consent.

There is no right to withdraw from Relationships Education at primary or secondary as we believe the contents of these subjects – such as family, friendship, safety (including online safety) – are important for all children to be taught. For more information, please see:

If you wish to withdraw your child from sex education lessons, you must put your request in writing addressed to the headteacher, Mr Benjamin Siaw at

PSHE Curriculum 2024-25



Year 12

Life in Modern Britain (British values), Life in Modern Britain (Democracy and rule of law), Radicalisation and extremism, Healthy lifestyle and Mental Health, Careers and Work Experience, Sexting, Cyberbullying and Online safety, Propaganda, Resilience, Conspiracy Theories, Social Media and Gaming, Drugs and Alcohol, UCAS / IAG, Gangs and Youth Violence, FGM, Forced Marriage, LGBT Rights, Financial Planning, Fake News and Conspiracy Theories, Sexual Exploitation, Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas), UCAS – Writing Personal Statements and Unifrog, Critical Thinking Skills

Year 13

UCAS – IAG, Careers, Employment, Healthy Lifestyle and Mental Health Wellbeing, British Values: Individual Liberty and Rule of Law, British values: Democracy and the Rule of Law, Drugs and Alcohol, Financial Planning and Debt, Body Image, Gender Equality, Stress Management, LGBT Rights, Sexual Exploitations, Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas),  SRE – Healthy relationships and Sex Education, Euthanasia and Religion, War and Religion and Gender and Religion.


If you have any questions about the curriculum please contact Shauna Stewart and Sue Harewood at


RSE (Relationship and Sex Education)

We have recently planned changes to the way in which we will deliver RSE (Relationship and Sex Education) within our PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) programme. These changes have been made so as to ensure that we meet the requirements of the new Relationship and Sex Education legislation from the Department for Education.


 If you have any questions about RSE please contact Shauna Stewart and Sue Harewood at