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Parent Survey Results

We regularly ask parents to complete surveys covering a range of issues. The feedback we receive is important to us and helps to shape future planning. Below you can see examples of how we have been incorporating survey findings into our work.


There were over 100 responses to our whole school survey and the results are overwhelmingly positive for our school. The summary document can be seen HERE

Here are some highlights:

These figures are a superb endorsement of our work and our community, and I am proud of what our students and staff have achieved. There were also very many positive free-text comments for which I thank you wholeheartedly. Where concerns have been raised, members of the senior leadership team are carrying out reviews in order to address any concerns. 



We carried out a whole school survey. The results can be found here:

Summary of Results 2021-22

In response, we have worked to update our communications esp. regarding communicating with key members of staff. All contact details can be found in the Parent Guide (click HERE). In addition, reporting mechanisms have been introduced to allow student to report concerns e.g. bullying, well-being, etc. Click HERE


In our first survey of the academic year, we asked parents who attended the Year 7 settling in evening a series of questions. For the results of this survey please click on the link.

Year 7 Parent Survey – October 2019

We are going to look into how we can promote further the enrichment offer so that parents are aware of the clubs and activities running. We include a lot of information on our school website and we provide regular updates on the school’s social media. We would like to encourage parents to follow us on Twitter or Facebook @StepneyAS

For parents who are unsure of who to contact in school regarding issues, we recirculated the booklet which was given to all parents at the start of term. This can also be found on the school website at

In January, we carried out a whole school survey during our Academic Review Day. The results can be found on the following link – ARD Parent Survey Feedback – Jan 2020

In response, we are working to promote use of the SIMS parent app so parents/carers can monitor progress and behaviour further facilitating communication. In addition, we are launching the Trailblazers Project (wellbeing + mental health) in collaboration with Tower Hamlets. This will also allow us to expand teams working to respond to the needs of children and young people with mild to moderate mental health needs and provide a link to specialist NHS services when required. In addition, the initiative will include parental sessions as well as work to highlight where support can be sourced within and outside of school.  


We are focusing on homework and independent learning. Although in January 2019 89% agreed that students are getting appropriate homework, we feel we can do better. We have had a big push in school to get students to use their planners effectively and to plan their homework. Please help us to monitor that your child is completing homework. Students will write their homework in their planners and we ask that you check the planner each week and sign. The tutor does the same.

In some year groups we are focusing on raising awareness of how to respond to bullying. Levels are low, however we want to ensure that all students know how to respond and that they understand what bullying truly is and the impact it can have. We will be running an anti-bullying week as well as other initiatives.

You can download the January 2019 whole school survey here. In addition, our most recent survey carried out at the Year 7 parents’ evening (June 2019) can be downloaded here.

There are many very positive aspects to our school. It is very important, however, that we do not rest on our laurels and that we continue to work together in partnership to ensure that Stepney All Saints continues to be an outstanding school.

We will update parents/carers about survey outcomes in the fortnightly headteacher’s letters.


In response to feedback, we focused on improving communications with parents with improvements in the use of our website and social media. We also increased the frequency of the headteacher’s letters.

We also worked hard to improve the enrichment offer and to share this with students and parents. In January 88% of you agreed that the offer was good with only 7% not being aware of what was on offer, an improvement upon the previous year. Please note that we publish an updated programme for clubs and enrichment activities on our website each term.

You can download the June 2018 whole school survey here.