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4th February 2022

Dear parent/carer,

Re. Laptop Use

We are one year into our initiative to provide a laptop for every student in the school. Our recent outstanding Ofsted report commented on the teaching and learning in school, in particular pre-learning, which has been enhanced by ensuring that all of our students have access to Google classroom. However, it has come to my attention that some students have been misusing their laptops. Some students have been installing software that enables them to load websites and programmes that are not permitted on school devices.

The laptops have been provided to students to support them with their teaching and learning. VPN’s, games, social media sites or anything unrelated to learning should not be downloaded onto the school laptops. Students who download anything of the sort are in breach of the school’s Behavior Policy and Acceptable Use Policy, as well as the laptop contract signed when receiving their laptop. A serious breach of a school policy may result in a student losing their place at Stepney All Saints.

We conduct regular laptop checks and audits in school and are able to access laptops remotely. When conducting checks, we will monitor which students have downloaded prohibited software onto their laptop.

In order to support families to protect our students online we are working with National Online Safety providing resources for all parents and carers. To create your account, please follow and complete your details. When you are registered, you will be able to set ‘Parent/Carer’ as your user type.  You may also wish to attend our Coffee Morning for parents /carers which will take place on 10th February where your questions can be answered in person.

With this in mind, we ask that you speak to your child about the use of their school laptop, and ensure that they understand the importance of adhering to the school rules.

Thank you as ever for your continued support.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Woods
