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 7th February 2022

Dear parents and carers,

I start this letter with some sad news. Over the weekend we were informed that a member of our SEND department, Lois Allen passed away. Lois was a member of our school for almost 22 years, and I am sure that her patience and support working one-to-one with students will have made a huge impact on the lives of the students that she worked with over the years.

We will be holding a minute’s silence for prayer and reflection in her memory tomorrow morning during registration.

I am sure you will join me in sending our deepest condolences to her family and loved ones at this difficult and sad time.

Covid-19 Update

You will be aware from my letter last week that due to an increase in the number of positive Covid-19 cases in school we re-introduced face masks for all students, staff and visitors in school. This will be the case until the February half term.

Academic Review Day

Please note that Friday 11th February is Academic Review Day. Full details have been sent to parents and carers and can be found on the school website, but I would like to remind you that students will not be in school on this day and will be provided with work to complete at home. However, at the time of their Academic Review Day appointment students must attend their meetings virtually with parents.

Children’s Mental Health Week

Children’s Mental Health Week takes place this week from 7th – 11th February. It is widely recognised that young people have faced significant challenges over the past couple of years and this has taken a toll for many on their mental health.

At Stepney All Saints we support all of students through a variety of ways. We have school counsellors and assist families with referrals to other agencies. In readiness for Children’s Mental Health Week, groups and charities have pulled together a range of activities, resources and information to help support you and our young people and to raise awareness of the challenges our young people face. Please see below links to some of these resources.

In addition, you can view guidance put together by our Lead Counsellor, Ms Dean, on the following link:

If your child is struggling with their mental health in any way, please do let us know so we can support in whatever way we are able.

Enrichment Activities – Spring term

Students in Years 7 and 8 will be taking part in a 7 week focused programme of enrichment after school from March. A wide range of opportunities will be offered allowing students to develop new skills and meet new people. For details, please visit the school website and support us in ensuring that all students participate –

Free School Meal Vouchers

Tower Hamlets is providing all students eligible for free school meals with a £10.00 Asda gift voucher to cover the February half term. Vouchers will be sent via email to the contact details of the priority email address that we have on the school system by the start of the half term.

PE Kit Reminder

We are on track for the completion of the swimming pool and changing rooms by April. Once the changing rooms re-open students have two options available to them on the days that they have PE (detailed overleaf). We will keep you updated if there are any changes to the expected completion date.

Students will still be able to arrive to school in their PE kit on the days that they have PE, providing it is the school branded PE kit only (school branded tracksuit and PE T-Shirt) and black sports trainers. Alternatively the changing rooms will be accessible to students who wish to change in school.

We have also been advised that there will be a 6% increase in the cost of uniform items from suppliers, which will be implemented to the school from February. We will however only be reflecting this increase on ParentPay from July.

Key Events

The term dates for the coming half term are listed below. Please check our website and social media feeds for regular updates.

Spring Term: 4th January – 1st April

Year 11 mock examinations – beginning Wednesday 9th February (Full timetable on the school website)

Academic Review Day – Friday 11th February

Year 9 Parents’ Evening – Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th February

Half Term: 14th – 18th February

Year 8 examinations – Week beginning 7th March

Year 7 examinations – Week beginning 21st March

Easter Holiday: 4th April – 18th April


As always, thank you for your continued support. Please do get in touch if there is any aspect of our provision that you would like to discuss.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Woods
