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Wednesday 23rd June 2021

Dear parents / guardians,

I trust you and your family are well. I am writing to you this week with a number of updates and some arrangements as we move towards the end of the school year.

Qualifications 2021

Last week was the final sign off for all qualifications and we are uploading all data to the exam board portals. This has been an unprecedented and significant undertaking. Thank you to students, staff and parents for the calm, methodical and positive way in which you have all approached this process. This has been enormously appreciated by the entire school community.

Year 6 / 7 Transition

Following the Government’s announcement to delay Stage 4 of the road map out of lockdown and consultation with the Local Authority, we have cancelled our Year 6 transition events planned for next week. Guidance advised that Year 6 students should be kept in primary school bubbles. Our 2021 Year 7 cohort comprises of students from over 40 different primary schools, making this requirement a practical impossibility.  We have written to all Year 6 parents to inform them of the decision.

In order to ensure that students are supported with effective transition for the new academic year, we will operate a staggered start to term in September. Full details will follow before the end of term.

London Borough of Tower Hamlets guidance on school attendance: September 2021

Please note that from Wednesday 1st September 2021 all children are expected to be back in school full time.


Regular attendance at school is vital to help children achieve and get the best possible start in life.  Children who frequently miss school often fall behind and there is a strong link between good school attendance and achieving good results. For example, only 12% of pupils with below 80% school attendance achieve five or more GCSEs at grades 9-5 including English and Maths, compared to 68% for pupils with attendance greater than 95%.

Good attendance at school shows potential employers that a young person is reliable. Furthermore, young people who are frequently absent from school are more likely to become involved in, or be a victim of crime and anti-social behaviour.

Did you know?

Our school has high levels of attendance; however those students who are failing to reach these high standards will be a focus for us in the coming academic year.

Children sometimes have to miss school because of illness or if they have long-term medical issues. If this is the case, parents should contact school the same day to let us know the reason that the child is not in school. Please be familiar with our school processes for reporting absence, which can be found on the school website.


You will have received my letter at the start of this week regarding the global shipping issues that all uniform suppliers are experiencing as a result of the impact of the pandemic. A copy of this letter can be viewed here –

Key Dates for this term

Here is a reminder of some key dates in the coming weeks.

Year 10 parents’ evening                              Wednesday 30th June – Thursday 1st July

Year 12 parents’ evening                              Wednesday 7th July – Thursday 8th July

Years 7, 8 + 9 Enrichment Day                     Tuesday 13th July

Year 7 parents’ evening                                Wednesday 14th July – Thursday 15th July

Final day of the summer term                     Friday 16th July

Please note that the parents’ evenings listed above will be taking place online and that appointments will be available for parents over two evenings. Full details will be sent out in advance of each event.

Enrichment Day – Tuesday 13th July

On Tuesday 13th July students in Years 7, 8 and 9 will be working in a range of workshops providing a taste of various enrichment activities ranging from Japanese drumming to coding. As some of the workshops will involve physical activity, students are to attend school for this day in their PE kit.

Fun Fair – Thursday 15th July

We will be welcoming a fun fair on to the school premises on Thursday 15th July. Each year group will be given an hour to enjoy the rides with their teachers. Please note that all rides will be free and supervised by staff. We hope that this will help to celebrate the end of a difficult year.

End of Term Arrangements

This school year will end on Friday 16th July 2021. Students will follow their normal lessons for periods one and two, and from 11.15am until 11.30am there will be a staggered dismissal. Full details regarding the start of the new academic year will be sent out before the end of term.


Thank you as always for your continued support.

Yours sincerely,


Paul Woods
