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Upon the discovery that Sir John Cass had been directly connected with the slave trade in Britain, it was decided that any continued link between his name and the school conflicted with our pledge to oppose all forms of racism, discrimination and inequality.

As a result, in August 2020, following consultation with the Board of Governors, staff, students and members of the community, a new name for the school was agreed and our school became Stepney All Saints Church of England Secondary School.

We also decided to introduce a House System, with each house name being carefully selected in order to reflect our commitment to being an anti-racist school, striving for ethnically-diverse equity.

At Stepney All Saints, there are seven Houses. These are; Equiano, Ignatius, Mala, Prince, Seacole, Tull and Windrush.

Our houses are named after people and/or events which have had an important role in shaping today’s Britain. Their qualities, as British figures or organisations who have taken a stand against racism or who have done something of huge significance regarding the representation of ethnic minorities in Britain, reflect the values, ethos and beliefs of our entire school community.

You can read more about our House System here – SASS House System or watch a video presentation below.