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Dear Parent/Carer,

As we end a successful Autumn term for our Year 11 cohort, I would like to bring some key information to your attention.

Parents’ Evening

We hope that your appointments with teachers during Parents’ Evening were productive and will help guide revision at home going forward.

A revision timetable template has been shared with students on their Google Classroom. As we enter a key period of preparation for GCSE examinations, your child should be completing at least two hours per day of revision at home. Please support them with this and ensure that they have a meaningful revision timetable that they are sticking to.

November Results

You should have recently received an email outlining your child’s performance in the November Mock Examinations. If you have not received this email, this may mean that your details need updating on our school system. If you would like to update any of your details on our system, please contact our school registrar,

In the meantime, you should be able to access the grades achieved via the Edulink App. Please email if you are having difficulty accessing the app.

February Mocks

Although the current government policy is for public examinations to go ahead at the end of the academic year, it is crucial that parents and students understand the importance of preparation for internal mock examinations.

In the event that the summer public examinations are cancelled, the government’s current contingency plan is to use the data from mock exams to calculate a final grade.

Year 11 students will start their next round of mock examinations on the 9th February 2022.

After School Extension

To prepare students further for their upcoming examinations, departments across the school have been running mandatory after school extension classes for students identified as needing support to reach their Target Grades. Following the Christmas break this will be more extensive with extensions running most nights of the week.

Your child can check their extension timetable on their Year Group Google Classroom. If a student hasn’t been targeted for intervention by a subject they can potentially opt-in by speaking to their subject teacher. In the New Year, please speak to your child about their extension timetable and which subjects they are attending and why.

I would like to thank you for your continuing support in your child’s progress at Stepney All Saints School and wish you a restful break over the festive period.

Yours sincerely,

Mr L Smith

Assistant Headteacher (Year 11)