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Head of Department: TBA

Key Stage 3 (Year 7-9)

Year 7:

London Identity: students will explore the work of a number of artists who have created artwork for the fourth plinth in Trafalgar square. Through exploring the different aspects of London’s identity and using artist and visual research for inspiration students will create designs and make a final piece using 3D construction techniques, such as papiér mâché and clay, exploring and visualising an aspect of London’s identity they have chosen to commemorate. 

My Identity: students will explore the work of a range of artists who create portraits, they will learn how to use facial proportion to accurately draw themselves and create a self-portrait that reflect a range of important aspects of their identity. Students will use a range of materials such as paint, collage and mark-making techniques.

Year 8

Our Environment-Architecture: from a starting point of exploring how architecture can be used to enhance and benefit communities, students will explore the work of a range of architects and use this to inspire their own designs. To gain a better understanding of the need for environmentally friendly architecture students will look at sustainability and the natural world. They will explore how the natural world can inspire the shape of the buildings they design.  Students will use develop and extend their clay construction skills to create their final piece.

Our Environment-Landscapes: through exploring the impact of plastic pollution on our environment and the history of landscape painting in Britain, student will create a piece that communicates the devastation caused by pollution. They will develop and extend their painting techniques using a variety of paint mediums in response to landscape artists studied. They will develop and refine a landscape idea and create this using recycled materials, paint and collage to convey a message about the damage we cause to our environment through pollution.

Year 9

Current Issues: students will explore how to create an artwork that conveys a narrative using the figure. They will discuss current issues that are relevant to themselves and choose one to focus on, exploring the work of range of figurative artists for inspiration. Students will develop and extend their ability to draw using accurate figurative proportion. They will create a painted outcome using the formal elements of line, tone, shape and form.

Still Life and Symbolism: exploring the genre of Still Life and key artists from this genre, students will develop and understanding of its history and the use of objects to symbolise other meaning. They will develop their own still life compositions and use photography and printmaking to refine and produce their ideas.

Projects in Year 9 are designed to introduce students to working practices they will use in GCSE Art and Design

The following websites will be of use to students during the course of KS3, and can be used to explore further the topics studied in class:

Key Stage 4 (Year 10-11)

Y10 and 11

Over the two-year course students will complete three units of work.

Unit 1 Theme – Inside and Outside

Year 10 will study a range of artists exploring a range of subject matter related to Inside and Outside- such as landscape artists, still life artists and others. They will start their studies drawing from a variety of observational situations exploring media and process. They will gain knowledge of artist’s working practices through use of paint, print, observational drawings from direct observation and from photographs, Lino Print, mono print, collage, pen and ink and mixed media. Students will develop and extend ideas into a personal outcome of their choice.

Unit 2 Theme –Layers

Students will explore the topic of Layers by exploring a range of visual and artistic starting points and researching relevant aspects in more detail in order to develop ideas.  They will explore the work of a variety of relevant artists exploring their use of formal elements and concepts. They will use a range of appropriate creative techniques and processes in order to refine their ideas and create individual pieces of work relating to their chosen artists and sub-themes.

Unit 3: Exam unit.

The students will create a body of work using similar methodology and skills acquired to the first two units but exploring a theme set by the exam board. They will then produce their final piece in a ten-hour timed examination.

The following websites will be of use to students for their homework and revision:


Independent Learning Information

Careers Advice