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Head of Department: Ms Rihana Khan

Key Stage 4 (Year 10-11)

BTEC Technical Award in Enterprise (qualification title)

Three Components (one of which is an exam)

Year 10:

  • Exploring Enterprises
  • Promotion and Finance for Enterprise (exam)

Year 11:

  • Planning and Pitching an Enterprise Activity
  • Promotion and Finance for Enterprise (exam)

Key Stage 5 (Year 12-13)

Year 12 Level 2 Course

Title: Technical Certificate in Enterprise

  1. The Business Enterprise Environment (exam)
  2. Researching a concept for a new or revised product or service
  3. Promoting and Financing an Enterprise Idea
  4. Planning and Pitching an Enterprise Idea

Level 3

BTEC Extended Diploma in Business

We select 13 units from the 15 that are listed.

Four units are mandatory exam units

Year 12:

  • Exploring Business
  • Developing a Marketing Campaign
  • Personal and Business Finance
  • Managing and Event
  • International Business
  • Creative Promotion
  • Recruitment and Selection Process

Year 13:

  • Principles of Management
  • Business and Decision Making
  • Recruitment and Selection Process
  • Team Building in Business
  • Investigating Customer Service
  • Pitching a New Business Idea
  • Market Research

A level in Business AQA

Content areas shown below

3.1 What is business?

3.2 Managers, leadership and decision making

3.3 Decision making to improve marketing performance

3.4 Decision making to improve operational performance

3.5 Decision making to improve financial performance

3.6 Decision making to improve human resource performance

Year 13

3.7 Analysing the strategic position of a business (A-level only)

3.8 Choosing strategic direction (A-level only)

3.9 Strategic methods: how to pursue strategies (A-level only)

3.10 Managing strategic change (A-level only)

Independent Learning Resources

Key Stage 4

Pearson First Award

  • BBC Bitesize – 
  • Websites we use are
  • Blended Learning –

Careers Advice