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COVID-19 Outbreak Contingency Plan View COVID-19 Outbreak Contingency Plan On going
Admissions Policy – Secondary School (2021-2022) View Admission Policy 21-22 Oct 2020
Admissions Policy – Secondary School (2022-2023) View ADMISSION POLICY 22-23 Reviewed OCT 21 Oct 2021
Admission Policy – Secondary School (2023-2024) View ADMISSION POLICY 2023-24 Oct 2022
Admissions Policy – Secondary School (2024 – 25) View ADMISSION POLICY 2024-25 Oct 2023
Anti-Bullying Policy View Anti-bullying policy March 2024 Mar 2024
Attendance and Punctuality Procedure View Attendance Policy Sept 2022 Sept 2022
Behaviour Policy View Behaviour policy OCT 23 Oct 2023
CIEAG Policy View SASS CIEAG Policy – DEC 23 Dec 2023
Charging and Remissions Statement View SAS Charging Remissions Policy DEC 23 Dec 2023
Children with Health Needs Policy View Children with Health Needs DEC 23 Dec 2023
Complaints Policy View Complaints policy March 2023 Mar 2023
Collective Worship Policy View Collective Worship Policy June 2021 June 2021
Data Protection Policy View Data Protection Policy – December 23 Dec 2023
Designated Teacher for looked after students View Designated Teacher for Looked After Students Policy DEC23 Dec 2023
Disabled Access Policy View SAS Disabled Access Policy MAR 2024 Mar 2024
Drugs and Alcohol Policy View Drugs and Alcohol Misuse Policy Jan 24 Jan 2023
English as an Additional Language Policy View EAL Policy April 2024 Apr 2024
Equal Opportunities & Diversity Policy


Equality Statement & Objectives

View Equal opportunities diversity policy MAR 2024

View Equality-Statement- Mar-24

Mar 2024


Mar 2024

Public Sector Equality Duty Statement View Public Sector Equality Duty Statement DEC 23 Dec 2023
Inclusion Policy SASS Inclusion Policy (Oct 2023) Oct 2023
Medical Policy View Medical Needs and First Aid policy DEC 23 Dec 2023
ECT Policy View ECT induction policy OCT 21 Oct 2021
RE Policy View RE Policy June 2023 June 2023
Remote Learning Policy View Remote-Learning-Policy NOV22 Nov 2022
Relationships and Sex Education Policy View RSE Policy DEC 2023 Dec 2023
Safeguarding Policy (inc. Child Protection, E-Safety, Prevent, Visitors to the school, Life in Modern Britain, Visiting Speakers/ Visitors, Venue Booking, Acceptable User Policy and Safer Recruitment) View Safeguarding Policy OCT 23


Oct 2023
School Rules View School Rules Annually
SEND Policy

SEND Report

View SEND Policy May 24

View SEND report MAY 24

May 2024

May 2024

Sixth Form Admissions Policy (2022-23) View Sixth Form Admissions Policy March 2022 Jun 2022
Sixth Form Admissions Policy (23-24) View Sixth Form Admissions Policy 23-24 Oct 2023
Snow and Bad Weather Procedure (reviewed as part of the Business Continuity/ Disaster Recovery Policy) View Emergency Closure and Adverse Weather Procedures Feb 2019
The All Saints Way View The All Saints Way NA
Uniform List & Uniform Policy View Uniform/Equipment List

View Uniform Policy (updated May 23)


May 2023

If as a parent of a pupil at this school, you require a paper copy of the information on this website, we shall provide this free of charge.